Lotto 695:
Leo III the 'Isaurian', with Constantine V (717-741). EL Tremissis. Uncertain Italian mint, c. 720-740 AD. Obv. [d] LEO-N [P A MYL]. Crowned bust facing, holding globus cruciger and wearing chlamys. Rev. Crowned and bearded bust facing, wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger; Λ to right. Cf. D.O. 102; Sear 1540E. EL. 1.40 g. 15.50 mm. RRR. A superb example of this extremely rare issue. Sharply struck and exceptional for issue, delicate light patina over brilliant surfaces. EF.
Base d'asta € 500
Prezzo attuale € 1300
Offerte: 13
Lotto non in vendita