Basiliscus AR of Ravenna
Lotto 643:
Basiliscus (475-476). AR Half Siliqua. Ravenna mint, 475 AD. Obv. DN BASILISCVS P[...]. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Turreted figure holding sceptre and cornucopiae standing left, right foot on prow; R-V across fields. RIC X 3307 (P AVG on obverse) or 3308 (PF AVG on obverse). AR. 0.87 g. 14.00 mm. RRRR. Excessively rare, apparently never offered in public sales. A superb example, sharply struck and clearly legible, in high state of preservation. Dark tone. EF.
Base d'asta € 4000
Prezzo attuale € 4000
Offerte: 1
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