Marcus Aurelius Profectio
Lotto 546:
Marcus Aurelius (161-180). AE Sestertius, Rome mint, 169-170 AD. Obv. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIIII. Laureate head right. Rev. COS III. Aurelius, wearing cuirass, on horse right, holding spear; in front, soldier with spear and shield, three soldiers holding standards behind; PROFECTIO AVG S C in exergue. RIC III 977. AE. 25.08 g. 30.50 mm. RR. Very rare and fascinating issue. An outstanding example, with a superb portrait and a spectacular reverse. Enchanting emerald green patina. EF. The profectio ('setting forth') was the ceremonial departure of a consul in his guise as a general in Republican Rome, and of an emperor during the Imperial era.
Base d'asta € 3000
Prezzo attuale € 3000
Offerte: 1
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