Lotto 507:
Nero with Agrippina II. AE 20.5 mm. Smyrna mint, Ionia, c. 54-59 AD. Obv. [NЄPΩNA ΣЄBAΣTON] AΓPIΠΠINA ΣЄBAΣ[THN]. Draped bust of Agrippina II right facing laureate head of Nero left. Rev. [AY] ΓЄΣΣIOΣ ΦIΛOΠATPIΣ]. Nemesis standing right, with caduceus; before, snake; in right field, ZMIP. RPC I 2479. AE. 5.03 g. 20.50 mm. R. Rare and choice example. Superb deep green patina. Good VF.
Ex Astarte XVI, 2004, 1720.
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 130
Offerte: 4
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