Lotto 468:
Marcus Antonius. AR Denarius, mint moving with Marcus Antonius, 38 BC. Obv. [III·VIR·R·P·C·C]OS·DESIG·ITER·ET·TERT. Radiate head of Sol right. Rev. M·ANTONIVS·M·F·M·[N·AVGVR·IMP·TERT].
Marcus Antonius standing right, veiled and togate, holding lituus.
Cr. 533/2; B. 80 (Antonia). AR. 3.27 g. 18.00 mm. R. Rare. Sound metal. Bright iridescent old cabinet tone. Reverse slightly off centre, otherwise. EF. Possibly struck at Athens.
Base d'asta € 500
Prezzo attuale € 650
Offerte: 4
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