The Pharos Of Messana
Lotto 465:
Sextus Pompeius. AR Denarius, 37-36 BC, Sicily. Obv. [MAG PIVS] IMP ITER (TE ligate). The Pharos of Messana surmounted by figure of Neptune; before, galley with Aquila on prow and sceptre tied with fillet on stern. Rev. PRAEF. CLAS. ET [...] The monster Scylla wielding rudder with both hands. Cr. 511/4 var. (ITER); B. (Pompeia) 22; C. 2. AR. 3.53 g. 17.50 mm. RR. Very rare and in good condition for issue. Banker's mark and X graffito on obverse. Lovely old cabinet tone. VF.
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 440
Offerte: 6
Lotto non in vendita