Impressive Pompey The Great
Lotto 464:
Sextus Pompeius. AR Denarius, uncertain Sicilian mint, 42-40 BC. Obv. Head of Cn. Pompeius Magnus right; behind, jug; before, lituus; around, MAG·PIVS·IMP·ITER. Rev. Neptune standing left, wearing diadem, holding aplustre and cloak over left arm; placing right foot on prow; on either side, the Catanean brothers bearing their parents on their shoulders; above, PRAEF (AE ligate); in exergue, CLAS·ET·ORAE / MARIT·EX·S·C (AE and MAR ligate). Cr. 511/3a; B. (Pompeia) 27. AR. 3.73 g. 19.00 mm. RR. A choice example with a superb portrait. Insignificant banker's marks on obverse and areas of weakness. Lovely light iridescent old cabinet tone. Good VF.
Base d'asta € 500
Prezzo attuale € 500
Offerte: 1
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