Lotto 458:
Mn. Cordius Rufus. AR Denarius, 46 BC. Obv. RVFVS·III·VIR. Jugate heads of the Dioscuri right, wearing laureate pileus surmounted by star. Rev. Venus Verticordia standing left, holding scales and sceptre, with Cupid perched on shoulder; behind, MN·CORDIVS (MN ligate). Cr. 463/1a; B. (Cordia) 2. AR. 4.00 g. 20.00 mm. An oustanding example, struck on broad flan, from masterly engraved dies. Superb and brilliant; delicate patina with golden hues. EF. Venus Verticordia ('the changer of hearts') was an epithet of the Roman goddess Venus, alluding to the goddess' ability to change hearts from lust to chastity.
On April 1st the festival of Venus Verticordia known as the Veneralia celebrates the chaste Goddess Venus who changes the human heart. On this day Roman women asked Mater Venus Verticordia for assistance in affairs of the heart, sex, betrothal and marriage.
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 230
Offerte: 6
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