Wonderfully Detailed Cr. 433/1
Lotto 444:
M. Iunius Brutus. AR Denarius, 54 BC. Obv. Head of Libertas right; behind, LIBERTAS. Rev. The consul L. Iunius Brutus walking left between two lictors preceded by an accensus; in exergue, BRVTVS. Cr. 433/1; B. (Junia) 31. AR. 4.12 g. 18.00 mm. Sound metal and full weight. An outstanding example, sharply struck, from masterly engraved dies, brilliant with underlying luster and prettily toned, with bluish highlights. Exceptional. Good EF.
Base d'asta € 1000
Prezzo attuale € 2800
Offerte: 20
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