Lotto 438:
Faustus Cornelius Sulla. AR Denarius, 56 BC. Obv. Head of young Hercules right, wearing lion's skin; behind, S·C and FAVSTVS (in monogram). Rev. Globe surrounded by four wreaths; the lower one flanked by aplustre and ear of corn; the upper one jeweled and tied with fillet. Cr. 426/4a; B. (Cornelia) 61. AR. 4.19 g. 18.50 mm. R. Rare. Great metal and full weight. A superb example, brilliant with underlying luster and golden highlights. Reverse slightly off centre, otherwise. EF. Faustus, son of the dictator Lucius, was augur (probably from 57) and urban quaestor in 54.
For Crawford, this denarius would allude to Magnus Pompeus. The three minor crowns in fact represent his three triumphs, which we know were widely echoed by his contemporaries; the larger one recalls the golden crown, which he was given on the occasion of one of his triumphs; the globe recalls the trophy that, as attested by Dion (XXXVIII, 21, 2) was awarded to him for his triumph over the whole earth; finally, the aplustre and the ear of corn refer to the curae annonae that he exercised in 57.
Base d'asta € 300
Prezzo attuale € 850
Offerte: 14
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