拍品号 431:
L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus with L. Scribonius Libo. AR Denarius, 62 BC. Obv. PAVLLVS·LEPIDVS-CONCORDIA. Diademed and veiled bust of Concordia right. Rev. Puteal Scribonianum decorated with garland and two lyres; at base, tongs; above, PVTEAL·SCRIBON; below, LIBO. Cr. 417/1b; B. (Aemilia) 11, (Scribonia) 9. AR. 3.82 g. 19.50 mm. Outstanding and brilliant; superb and virtually as struck. Obverse slightly off flan. FDC.
起拍价 € 200
当前出价 € 1050
出价数: 22