Lotto 378:
A. Manlius Q.f. Sergianus. AR Denarius, 118-107 BC. Obv. Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, SER; before, ROMA. Rev. Sol in quadriga facing, rising from the waves of the sea; on either side, star; above, X and crescent; in exergue, [A·MANLI·Q·F]. Cr. 309/1; B. (Manlia) 1. AR. RR. Choice example of this rare issue, handsome reverse, perfectly detailed. Enchanting patina with a hint of iridescence. Obverse struck from worn dies, peripheral areas of flat strike. Good VF/EF.
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 440
Offerte: 6
Lotto non in vendita