Unique (?) Ram Sextans
Lotto 362:
Ram series. AE Sextans, 206-195 BC. Obv. Head of Mercury right, wearing winged petasus; above, two pellets. Rev. Prow right; above, ram; before, two pellets; below, ROMA. Cr. -; cf. series 123. AE. 5.48 g. 19.50 mm. Unique (?). Excessively rare. Apparently the only specimen known; it belongs to Ram Series (Cr. 123) which is composed by only three nominals: Denarius, As (2 specimens known) and Semis (1 specimen known). Rough surfaces. About VF.
Base d'asta € 300
Prezzo attuale € 500
Offerte: 11
Lotto non in vendita