拍品号 139:
Sicily. Henna. AR Litra, c. 450-440 BC. Obv. Demeter driving slow quadriga right, holding grain ears. Rev. HENNAION. Demeter standing left, holding torch and extending arm; altar to left. HGC 2 391; SNG ANS -; SNG Cop. -; Jenkins, 'The Coinages of Enna, Galaria, Piakos, Imachara, Kephaloidion and Longane,' AIIN 20 (1975), pl. IV, a-d; BMC Sicily pg. 58, 1; Jameson 595. AR. 0.75 g. 14.00 mm. RRR. Very rare and fascinating issue. Choice for issue; lightly toned, graffito on obverse. Good VF.
起拍价 € 750
当前出价 € 1000
出价数: 6