拍品号 197:
Continental Greece. Attica, Athens. AR Tetradrachm. New Style coinage. Xenokles and Armoxenos, magistrates. Struck 92/1 BC. Obv. Head of Athena Parthenos right, wearing single-pendant earring and triple crested Attic helmet decorated with Pegasos and floral pattern. Rev. Owl standing right, head facing, on amphora; magistrates' names across field; to right, dolphin diagonally downward right with trident in background; Θ on amphora, ΠEP below; all within wreath. HGC 4 1602; Cf. Thompson 1092/1091a (for obv. die/rev. controls). AR. 16.29 g. 29.00 mm. Lovely old cabinet tone, peripheral weakness, otherwise. EF.
起拍价 € 500
当前出价 € 550
出价数: 2