Lotto 578:
Faustina II, wife of Marcus Aurelius (died 176 AD). AE Assarion. Kallatis, Moesia Inferior, c. 165-176 AD. Obv. ΦAΥCTENA CEBACT. Diademed and draped bust right, her hair coiled in a bun at the back. Rev. KAΛΛATIANΩN. Kybele seated left on throne, holding phiale in her right hand and resting her left arm on a tympanum. Varbanov I 249 corr; AMNG I 112.297 corr. AE. 4.18 g. 18 mm. R. Rare. Brown patina. VF.
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € 50
Offerte: 1
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