拍品号 493:
A. Plautius. AR Denarius, 55 BC. Obv. Turreted head of Cybele right; before, A·PLAVTIVS; behind, AED·CVR·S·C. Rev. Male figure kneeling right and extending olive-branch; at his side, camel right; before, IVDAEVS; in exergue, BACCHIVS. Cr. 431/1; B. (Plautia) 13. AR. 3.86 g. 17.5 mm. Scarce. Superb, brilliant and lightly toned; perfectly centred and complete. Almost invisible metal flaws on obverse, otherwise. Good EF.
起拍价 € 200
当前出价 € 421
出价数: 9