Munatius Plancus Aureus

Lotto 499:
Julius Caesar. AV Aureus, Rome mint, late 46-early 45 BC. L. Munatius Plancus, praefectus Urbi. Obv. C • CAES DICT • TER. Draped and winged bust of Victory right. Rev. L • PLANC up left, PR • VRB down right. Praefericulum. Cr. 475/1b; Syd. 1019b. ; Calicó 44. 7.99 g. 21.00 mm. RR. Very rare and sharply struck on an amazing broad flan. Hair-line scratch on reverse down right legend, otherwise superb. Good VF. The aurei of L. Munatius Plancus were distributed during Caesar's triumph of October 45 BC, celebrating his final defeat of the Pompeians at Munda the previous year. This triumph raised some concerns in Rome, as it marked a victory over fellow Romans, an event never before deserving a triumph. Such actions only heightened the fears in some quarters over Caesar's intentions, fears which lead to his assassination six months later.
Before his murder Caesar appointed Plancus governor of Transalpine Gaul, where he founded the colony of Lugdunum.
(CNG 93,2013,1122 note). Encapsulated by Classical Coin Grading AU 58.
Before his murder Caesar appointed Plancus governor of Transalpine Gaul, where he founded the colony of Lugdunum.
(CNG 93,2013,1122 note). Encapsulated by Classical Coin Grading AU 58.
Base d'asta € 4000
Prezzo attuale € 5000
Offerte: 6
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Prezzo attuale € 5000
Offerte: 6
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