Lotto 615:
Andronicus II and Michael IX (1295-1320). AV Hyperpyron. Constantinople mint. Struck 1294-1303. Class II (with six castles). Obv. Half-length facing figure of the Theotokos, orans, within city walls with six towers. Rev. Christ standing facing, crowning Andronicus and Michael, kneeling to left and right respectively. D.O. 258ff; Sear 2396; Cf. Lianta, LBC, 702ff. (uncertain mint). AV. 3.95 g. 26.00 mm. Lightly toned, underlying luster. Typical flan crack and areas of flat strike. EF.
Base d'asta € 200
Prezzo attuale € 240
Offerte: 3
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