Artavasdus Second Known Tremissis
拍品号 596:
Artavasdus (July 742 - 2 November 743). Debased AV Tremissis, Rome mint. Obv. DNO ARTAYASDO. Bearded bust facing, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rev. DNO NI[CIFO]RO. Facing bust of Nicephorus, beardless, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding globus cruciger and akakia; I - B in field. D.O. 10; Sear 1549 (exteremely rare); B.N., p.481; B.M.C. - ; T. - ; R. - ; Turin, Museo Civico. AV (debased). 1.24 g. 16.00 mm. RRRR. Exceedingly rare, apparently the second example known, and the only one in private hands. Nicephorus' face erased (Damnatio Memoriae) and ragged edge, otherwise. VF.
起拍价 € 2500
当前出价 € 6000
出价数: 18