Lotto 561:
Basiliscus (475-476). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint. Obv. DN bASILIS-CЧS PP AVG. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, head slightly right, holding spear and shield with horseman motif. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG [ ] Victory standing left, holding long jewelled cross; star in right field; CONOB in exergue. RIC X 1003; Depeyrot 101/1. AV. 4.50 g. 21.00 mm. R. Rare. Perfectly centred on a broad flan, with underlying luster.. Traces of rotated double strike, significant on reverse, otherwise. EF.
Base d'asta € 800
Prezzo attuale € 1000
Offerte: 7
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