Lotto 555:
Valentinian III (425-455). AV Solidus, 426-430 AD. Ravenna mint. Obv. DN PLA VALENTINIANVS P F AVG. Rosette diademed,draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG. Valentinian standing facing, holding long cross and Victory on globe, foot placed on human-headed coiled serpent; across fields, R-V; in exergue, COMOB. RIC X 2010. AV. 4.40 g. 21.50 mm. A choice example, well centred on a broad flan and brilliant, with underlying luster. Minor uncleaned grey deposits on reverse, otherwise. Encapsulated by Classical Coin Grading AU 58.
Base d'asta € 700
Prezzo attuale € 750
Offerte: 2
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