Extremely Rare Constantius III Solidus
拍品号 552:
Constantius III (421 AD). AV Solidus. Ravenna mint. Obv. D N CONSTAN TIVS P F AVG. Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VICTORI A AVGGG. Constantius, diademed and in military attire, standing facing, head right, left foot on bound captive, holding labarum with right hand and Victory on globe in left; R-V in fields; in exergue, COMOB. RIC X 1325; Ranieri 48; Depeyrot 7/4; Biaggi 2330. AV. 4.46 g. 21.50 mm. RRR. Marks on cheek. About EF.
起拍价 € 15000
当前出价 € 24000
出价数: 8