Lotto 409:
Aristo Mutumbal Ricoce, suffetes. AE 31.5 mm. Sardinia, Caralis. Circa 40 BC. Obv. ARISTO MVTVMBAL RICOCE SVF. Jugate heads right. Rev. VE-N-E[RIS]. Tetrastyle temple with closed doors, eagle in pediment and row of antefixes along roofline; KAR in exergue. RPC I 624. AE. 32.28 g. 31.50 mm. RR. Very rare. VF/Good VF. The identification of the conjoined heads on the obverse of this coin remains uncertain. They have been variously identified as Octavian and Agrippa, Octavian and M. Aemilius Lepidus, and Octavian and Caesar. RPC states that 'the portraits are completely unlike those of Octavian and....are probably those of municipal officials.' In the case of provincial coinage, it is difficult to use style as a criterion in identification as portraits were often either the work of inferior engravers or engravers without access to the Imperial imago. Without any epigraphic evidence the exact identity of these individuals will have to remain uncertain.
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 440
Offerte: 8
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