Lotto 210:
Greek Asia. Seleucid Kings. Demetrios II Nikator. Second reign, (130-125 BC). AR Tetradrachm. Phoenician standard. Tyre mint. Dated SE 183 (130/29 BC). Obv. Diademed and draped bust right. Rev. Eagle standing left on prow left; palm frond behind; to left, A/PE above monogram of Tyre surmounting club; monogram and ΓΠP (date) to right, monogram between legs. SC 2195.1b; HGC 9, 1122; DCA 230. AR. 13.42 g. 28.50 mm. Choice example, attractive portrait. EF.
Base d'asta € 350
Prezzo attuale € 560
Offerte: 9
Lotto non in vendita