Alluring Antiochos VII Portrait
Lotto 209:
Greek Asia. Seleucid Kings. Antiochos VII Euergetes (Sidetes) (138-129 BC). AR Tetradrachm. Antioch on the Orontes mint. Obv. Diademed head right within fillet border. Rev. thena Nikephoros standing left; to outer left, monogram above A; monogram to inner right; all within laurel wreath. SC 2061.4e; Lorber, Die, – (unlisted obv. die); HGC 9, 1067d. AR. 16.55 g. 30.00 mm. Lovely light tone, with some iridescence. EF.
Base d'asta € 300
Prezzo attuale € 600
Offerte: 13
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