Lotto 677:
Frankish Greece, Neopatras. John II Angelus Comnenus (1303-1318). BI Denier Tournois. Obv. Patent cross. Rev. Castle tournois. Malloy 125; Schl. pl. XIII, 17/19; Metcalf 1131/1133. BI. 0.5 g. 17 mm. R. F/About VF. When John II took over the government of neopatras in 1308, he deserted the Latins in favor of Byzantine allies. However, when the Catalan Company began settling in and laying waste to the Thessalian countryside in 1309, Gautier de Brienne, duke of Athens, hired the mercenaries in an attempt to recover the Athenian rule over Thessaly. After the establishment of Catalan rule at Thebes in 1311, Alfonso Fadrique was able to take Neopatras by 1319 making his second capital. John II, grandson of john I and ward during his youth of Guy II de la Roche of the duchy of Athens, seems to have issued franksih type denier tournois at Neopatras. Schlumberger felt it unlikely that the coins belonged to any reign of the Angelus dynasty other than that of John II, because of the fierce anti-papal sentiments of John I; and conversely, because the immense Frankish influence exerted on the duchy of Neopatras while Guy II served as John's II tutor.
Base d'asta € 30
Prezzo realizzato € 50