拍品号 663:
Leads from the Ancient World. PB Tessera, Roman period, c. 1st century AD. D/ OLYMPIANVS. Bare head right. R/ EVCARPIVS, HS •. Rostowzew 1460. PB. 3.49 g. 18 mm. RR. Very rare and interesting tessera. Good VF. The symbol on the reverse is the abbreviation for 1000 sestertii. Perhaps the amount being wagered on an athletic contest, or the prize for the victors? (CNG). Rostovtzeff (Römische Bleitesserae. Ein Beitrag zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit, Leipzig 1905, 108) assumes that this tessera belonged to an issue whose total circulation had a value of 1000 sesterces. He, followed by Dressler (Römische Bleimarken, ZfN 33, 1922, 183), interprets the tesserae as private emergency money in times of declining imperial coinage.
起拍价 € 150
当前出价 € -
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最低加价: € 150