THREE ROMAN BROOCHES Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of three roman bronze brooches in various shapes and with various decorations. Lenght: 67 to 52 mm. One b[...]
THREE ROMAN ITEMS Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of three (3) bronze and lead items, including two nails and a lead object in the form of a small pickaxe. Dimensions: 50, 47 and 37 m[...]
ROMAN SURGICAL SCALPEL Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Roman bronze surgical scalpel, with foliate blade and octagonal section stem. Lenght: 95 mm. Intact and imp[...]
FIVE ANCIENT ITEMS Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of bronze objects comprising a conical bell and other objects of difficult identification. Heights: 80 to 33 mm. [...]
ROMAN PINS GROUP Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of six roman pins, five made of bronze and one of bone. Dimensions: 81 to 25 mm. One completely intact. Dama[...]
ROMAN BRONZE ITEMS Roman period, 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of five roman bronze items, including a medical specillum, a spoon and three rings. Dimensions: from 120 to 21 mm. [...]
TWO ROMAN KEYS Roman period, c. 1st to 3rd century AD. Lot of two roman bronze keys. Incised geometric decoration. Lenght: 60 and 59 mm. Both intact, one with suspensi[...]
LARGE ROMAN LEAD AMPHORA Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Large, heavy and unusual Roman solid lead votive amphora with a large bulbous main body tapering to a short narrow neck with two l[...]
TWO ROMAN BRONZE MASKS Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of two roman bronze faces, probably part of the decorative motif of a casket. Anatomical details rendered by engraving. Dimensio[...]
THREE ROMAN ITEMS Roman period, 1st-3rd century AD. Lot of three bronze objects belonging to different statuettes. A clenched fist with forearm, a hand depicted in the act of shaking, a lion's[...]
ROMAN MILITARY DIPLOMA FRAGMENT Roman period, c. 2nd-3rd century AD. Triangular fragment of a Roman military diploma in bronze, of which a partial trace of three lines of text is preserved. D[...]
GREEN JASPER GEMSTONE Roman period, c. 2nd-3rd century AD. Oval green jasper gem of truncated cone shape, depicting a probable hunting scene on the flat side. A figure facing left, armed with [...]
MULTILAYER PINK GEMSTONE Roman period, c. 2nd-3rd century AD. Oval multilayer pink gem of truncated cone shape, depicting two figures; probably a cupid or a victoriola and a female figure poss[...]
RED JASPER GEMSTONE Roman period, c. 2nd-3rd century AD. Gem in red jasper depicting a marine scene, with a shrimp and a fish engraved on the flat side. Dimensions: 9 x 7 mm. [...]
AMAZING ROMAN BRASS MIRROR Roman period, 2nd-4th century AD. Roman bronze brass mirror with the non-reflecting part decorated with concentric circles of different heights, forming a fascinatin[...]
ROMAN BRONZE BROOCHES Roman period, c. 3rd-4th century AD. Lot of two roman bronze fibulae in the form of a quadruped (hoops and lines decoration) and a dove. Lenghts: 34 and 26 mm. [...]
TWO ROMAN BRONZE SWASTIKA FIBULAE Roman period, Balkan area, c. 3rd-4th century AD. Lot of two roman bronze swastika fibulae with the depiction of a stylised horse's head on each arm of the ho[...]
ROMAN KEY RING Roman period, c. 3rd-4th century AD. Bronze key ring with two pairs of decorative lines. Height: 21 mm.; Width: 17 mm. Intact and complete. [...]
ROMAN BRONZE RING Late Roman period, c. 3rd-4th century AD. Thick bronze ring with engraving at the top. Dimensions: 25.50 mm., 17.50 mm. inner size. Good preservation[...]
THREE LEAD ITEMS Greek and Roman world, c. 3rd century BC-4th century AD. Lot of three ancient lead items; a bar, a round plaque, a scallop-shell. Letters are visible on the bar. Dimensions: [...]
ROMAN GLASS SEAL Late Roman period, c. 4th-5th century AD. Roman yellow glass seal depicting a flying Victory (?) with two hounds around, one each side. Dimensions: 20 mm. [...]
BRONZE SCALE WEIGHT Byzantine. Bronze square scale weight as heavy as six nomismata. Engraved letters Γ and A (?) with cross beneath. Dimensions: 23x23 mm. 26.09 g. Sc[...]
SIX ANCIENT RINGS From Roman period to Reinassance. Lot of eight ancient bronze rings. Various sizes and conditions, most of them still weareable. [...]
EIGHT ANCIENT RINGS From Roman period to Reinassance. Lot of eight ancient silver and bronze rings. Various sizes and conditions, most of them still weareable. One in silver depicts two claspi[...]
SIX ANCIENT RINGS From the Byzantine period to the Renaissance. Lot of six ancient bronze rings of various sizes and with different decorations. [...]
FIVE ANCIENT RINGS From the Late Roman period to the Renaissance. Lot of five ancient bronze rings of various sizes and with different decorations. [...]
TWENTY CULVERIN PROJECTILES Reinassence, XV-XVIII century. Lot of twenty iron culverin projectiles. Diameter: 43 mm.; Weight: 290-300 g. Intact and complete. Th[...]
NEOCLASSICAL LEAD PLATE Europe, second half 18th - early 19th century. Octagonal lead plaque with a relief representation of a biga right led by a winged Victoria. Dimensions: 33 x 28 mm.; Wei[...]
TWO OLD BULGARIAN RINGS Bulgaria, 19th century AD. Lot of two bronze bulgarian ethnic rings, richly decorated in relief with geometric motifs and wheel designs. The bigger: inner diameter: 21 [...]
IVAN VARBANOV FANTASY COIN Modern coin of invention, made in imitation of a Roman provincial coin. 9.06 g. 26.00 mm. An amusing fantasy coin minted by the scholar [...]
MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF NINE ITEMS Roman period to Renaissance. Lot of nine (9) various bronze, bone and lead items, including two arrowheads, a bone bead and parts of brooches. [...]
SIX BRONZE ITEMS From the Roman to Byzantine period. Lot of six bronze ancient items, comprehending two arrowheads a spoon and three small objects. Dimensions: 48 to 20 mm. [...]
SEVEN ANCIENT BRONZE ITEMS From the Roman to the Medieval period. Lot of seven bronze items, comprehending a pelta, three bullae, part of the decoration of a casket (?) depicting a bearded fac[...]
MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF 12 ITEMS Roman period to the Renaissance. Lot of twelve (12) bronze items, including parts of a fibula, military and civil objects. [...]
MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF SIX ITEMS Roman period to Renaissance. Lot of six (6) various bronze items, including three rings and part of a brooch. [...]
SIX ANCIENT AND MODERN JEWELS Lot of six ancient and modern jewels, make by two earrings, a decorated button, a bronze ring and two items with glass paste decoration. Various dimensions. [...]