Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas (610-641). AV Solidus. Constantinople mint, 5th officina. Struck circa 639-641. Obv. Heraclonas, Heraclius, and Heraclius Constanti[...]
Heraclius (610-641), with Martina and Heraclius Constantine. AE Follis. Cyprus mint (?). 3rd officina. Dated RY 15 (624/5). Obv. Heraclius (in centre), Heraclius Constantine and the em[...]
Constans II, with Constantine IV (641-668). AV Solidus. Constantinople mint, 9th officina. Struck circa 661-663. Obv. ∂N CT TI. Draped busts facing of Constans II, to left wearing pl[...]
Constans II, with Constantine IV (641-668). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint. Obv. ∂N CT TI. Draped busts facing of Constans II, to left wearing plumed helmet, and Constantine IV, to [...]
Constans II, with Constantine IV (641-668). AV Solidus. Syracuse mint, c. 661-668. Obv. ∂N CO CO Ч. Draped busts facing of Constans II, to left wearing plumed helmet, and Constantin[...]
Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius (668-685). AV Solidus. Constantinople mint, uncertain officina. Struck circa 674-681. Obv. ∂N CONτ NЧS. Pearl-diademed, plume-[...]
Justinian II, First Reign (685-695). AV Tremissis, uncertain Italian mint (Ravenna or Rome?). Obv. dN IINIAINVS PP[??] Bearded bust facing, wearing crown with cross on circlet and chla[...]
Justinian II, First Reign (685-695). AV Tremissis, uncertain Italian mint (Ravenna or Rome?). Obv. P N IYSt – …ANYA PP. Bearded bust facing, wearing crown with cross on circlet and[...]
Leo III, the Isaurian (717-720). AV Tremissis, Syracuse mint. Obv. ИO LЄON PAMY. Facing crowned and draped bust, holding globus cruciger and akakia. Rev. [ ]STINI. Facing[...]
Constantine V, Copronymus (741-775). AV Semissis, Syracuse mint. Obv. [Legend off flan] Bust of Constantine facing, wearing crown and chlamys, holding cross potent on globus and akakia[...]
Irene (797-802 AD). AV Solidus. Syracuse mint. Obv. IPЄҺ AΓOVST. Crowned facing bust of Irene, enthroned and wearing chlamys, holding akakia in left hand . Rev. AΓOVSTI, c[...]
Michael II the Amorian, with Theophilus (820-829). AV Tremissis, Syracuse mint, 821-829 AD. Obv. MI XAHL IbAI. Facing bust of Michael II, crowned, wearing chlamys and holding globus cr[...]
Theophilus, with Constantine and Michael III (829-842 AD). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint, 831-842 AD. Obv. Star ΘEOFILOS bASILE Θ. Crowned facing bust of Theophilus, wearing chlamy[...]
Theophilus (829-842 AD). AE Follis, Costantinople mint. Obv. ΘЄOFIL bASIL. Bust facing with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, and holding patriarchal cross and akakia; star in [...]
Leo VI the Wise, with Constantine VII (886-912). AV Solidus. Constantinople mint, c. 908-912 AD. Obv. Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing. Rev. Leo and Constantine standing fa[...]
Simeon I Veliki (Simeon the Great), Tsar of Bulgaria (893-927). PB Seal. Obv. Facing bust of Christ, holding book of Gospels in left hand, right hand in benediction; cross behind head;[...]
Theodora (1055-1056). AV Histamenon Nomisma. Constantinople mint. Obv. Christ Pantokrator standing facing on dais. Rev. Theodora and the Virgin Mary standing facing, holding l[...]
Romanus IV, Diogenes (1068-1071). AV Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Obv. The three sons of Constantine X and Eudocia, standing facing: Michael holding labarum and akakia, bet[...]
Michael VII Ducas (1071-1078). EL Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Obv. IC-XC. Nimbate bust of Christ facing, wearing pallium and colobium, raising right hand in benediction an[...]
Michael VII Ducas (1071-1078). EL Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Obv. IC-XC. Nimbate bust of Christ facing, wearing pallium and colobium, raising right hand in benediction an[...]
LOT WITHDRAWN - NO BID - Stefan Nemanja (1113/4-1199), Grand Prince of the Serbian Grand Principality (Raška). Lead Seal, 2nd half of 12th century AD. Obv. Ο/ ΣΤΕ/ &P[...]
The Empire of Nicaea. John III, Ducas (1222-1254). AV Hyperpyron, Magnesia mint, c. 1232-1254. Obv. Christ seated facing upon throne without back, bearded and nimbate, wearing colobium[...]
Antioch. Bohemond I (1098-1100 and 1102-1104). AE Follis. D/ Bust of St. Peter, nimbate, wearing tunic, holding cross in left hand. R/ Cross pommetée, fleuronée at base; in[...]
Antioch. Bohemond III, Minority (1149-1163), regencies of Constance and Renaud de Chatillon. BI Denier. D/ Bare head right. R/ Patent cross; pellet in first angle. Malloy[...]
Antioch. Bohemond III, Majority (1163-1201). BI Denier. D/ Helmeted head left in chain mail; cross on helmet; crescent upwards left, five pointed star right. R/ Patent cross,[...]
Dimashq. Atabegs of Damascus. AV 1/4 Dinar. D/ Citing the caliph 'Imam al-Muqtafi'; kalima around. R/ Citing the Great Seljuk ruler Sanjar; mint formula in outer margin. [...]
Jerusalem. Baldwin III (1143-1163). BI Denier, crude style 'rough' series. D/ Patent cross. R/ Tower of David with glacis. Malloy pp. 70/73; Schl. pl. III, 22 and 23; Met[...]
Jerusalem. Baldwin III (1143-1163). BI Denier, crude style 'rough' series. D/ Patent cross. R/ Tower of David with glacis. Malloy pp. 70/73; Schl. pl. III, 22 and 23; Met[...]
Jerusalem. Amaury (1163-1174). BI Denier. D/ Patent cross with annulets in second and third quarters. R/ Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Malloy 22/25 and 28/30; Schl. pl. I[...]
Jerusalem. Christian Arabic Issue, Sec. XIII. AR Dirham. D/ Cross pattée in center; within dotted square, 'one God, one faith, one baptism'; in outer margin, 'struck in Acre in the y[...]
Genoese Colonies. Caffa. AR Asper 1265-1475. D/ Genoese door. R/ Tamgha. Lunardi C23; Cf. Retowski pp. 34-36. AR. 0.83 g. 21.00 mm. Area of weak strike. Arab[...]
Genoese Colonies. Caffa. AR Asper, 1420-1426. D/ Genoese door. R/ Conic tamgha ornated with three pellets. Lunardi C 29; Retowski pp. 40-41. AR. 0.66 g. 14.00 mm. [...]
Genoese Colonies. Caffa. AR Asper, 1471 (?). D/ Genoese door in rhomboid frame. R/ Ghiereiev tamgha in rhomboid frame. Lunardi C 44; Retowski pl. IV, 215/220. AR. 0.6[...]
Genoese Colonies. Caffa. AE Follar ?-1433. D/ Genoese door; at the quarters, C A R A. R/ Conic tamgha. Schl. pl. XVII, 33; Lunardi C 58; Retowski pl. VI, 258/259. AE. [...]
Genoese Colonies. Caffa. AE Follar. D/ St. George killing the dragon. R/ Ghireiev tamgha. Schl. pl. XVIII, 4; Lunardi C 66; Retowski pl. VI, 263. AE. 0.86 g. 14.00 [...]
Genoese Colonies. Caffa. AE Follar. D/ St. George killing the dragon. R/ Genoese door. Schl. pl. XVIII, 3; Lunardi C 67; Retowski pl. VI, 264. AE. 0.64 g. 14.00 mm.[...]