Arcadius (383-408). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint, 397- 402 AD. Obv. D N ARCADI-VS P F AVG. Helmeted, diademed and cuirassed bust facing, holding spear and shield, ornamented with a [...]
Johannes (Usurper, 423-425). AE 13.5 mm. AD 423-425. Rome mint, 2nd officina. Obv. D N IOHANNES P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. SALVS REI PVBLIC[...]
Theodosius II (402-450). AV Solidus. Constantinople mint, 441 AD. Obv. DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG. Diademed and helmeted three-quarter facing bust, holding spear over right shoulder and shie[...]
Valentinian III (425-455). AV Tremissis. Ravenna (or Rome) mint. Struck AD 440-455. Obv. DN PLA VALENTINANVS P F AV. Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Lat[...]
Leo II (473-474) with Zeno. AV Solidus, Constantinople mint. Obv. DN LEO ET Z-ENO PP AVG. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing of Leo, holding spear and shield. Re[...]
Anthemius (467-472). AV Solidus. Rome mint, 468 AD. Obv. D N ANTHEMIVS P F AVG. Helmeted, pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder and shiel[...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Odovacar (476-493). AV Tremissis. In the name of Zeno. Mediolanum (Milan) mint. Struck AD 476-491. Obv. DN ZENO – PERP ΛVC (ΛV ligate). Pearl-diademed, draped an[...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Odovacar (476-493). AR Half Siliqua. In the name of Zeno. Mediolanum (Milan) mint. Struck AD 476-491. Obv. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Re[...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Theoderic (493-526). AR Quarter Siliqua in the name of Anastasius I. Ravenna mint, 493-526. Obv. [DN ANA] STA-SIVS AVG. Pearl-diademed and mantled bust right,. [...]
Ostrogothic Italy. Theoderic (493-526). AR Quarter Siliqua in the name of Justin I, Ravenna mint, c. 518-526 AD. Obv. DN IVSTI NVS AVG. Pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust right. [...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Athalaric (526-534). AR Half Siliqua. Ravenna mint, in the name of Justinian, 526-527. Obv. Diademed and draped bust of Justin I. right. Rev. Monogram. [...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Athalaric (526-534). AR Quarter Siliqua in the name of Justinian I, Ravenna mint. Obv. [DN IV]STINIAN AVG. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. D[...]
Ostrogothic Italy. Municipal bronze coinage of Ravenna. AE Decanummium, struck c. 536-554. Obv. FELIX R-AVENNA. Draped bust of Ravenna right, wearing mural crown, earring and necklace.[...]
Ostrogothic Italy. Municipal bronze coinage of Rome. AE Follis. Rome mint, struck c. 526-534 AD. Obv. INVICTA ROMA. Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Roma right. Rev. She-wolf st[...]
Ostrogothic Italy. Theodahad (534-536). AR Quarter Siliqua in the name of Justinian I, Ravenna mint. Obv. DN IVSTI-NIAN AVG. Diademedand cuirassed bust right, wearing imperial mantle. [...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Amalasuntha (534-535). AR Quarter Siliqua in the name of Justinian I. Ravenna mint. Obv. DN IVSTI[ ] Pearl-diademed and mantled bust right. Rev. Monogram o[...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Baduila (541-552). AR Half siliqua, in the name of Anastasius. Ticinum mint, 549/550-552 AD. Obv. D N ANASTASIVS. Pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust right, wearing imperial mantle. [...]
Ostrogothic Italy. Theia (552-553 AD). AR Half Siliqua in the name of Anastasius I. Ticinum mint, 552 AD. Obv. DN A[NAST]ASIVS AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. [...]
Lombardic Italy. Authari (584-590) to Agilulf (590-615). AV Tremissis in the name of Maurice Tiberius (582-602) struck c. 584-615 AD, Lombardy. Obv. DN mΛVI -TIbPPVI. Bust of Maurice[...]
Justinian I (527-565). AE Pentanummium. Theoupolis (Antioch) mint. Struck c. 551-560. Obv. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Large Є wi[...]
Justinian I (527-565). AE Decanummium. Rome mint. Struck c. 545 AD. Obv. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Large I between two stars; all within wreath. D.O.[...]
Justin II (565-578). AR 125 Nummi. Ravenna mint. Obv. DN IVSTINIANVS. Diademed bust right, wearing robe ornamented by row of pellets. Rev. Large PKE within wreath. D.O. -;[...]
Justin II (565-578). AR Half Siliqua, Ravenna mint. Obv. D N IVSTI - NVS PPA. Diademed and cuirassed bust right, wearing imperial mantle. Rev. Christogram on globe, between tw[...]
Maurice Tiberius (582-602). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint. Obv. ON mAVRC TIb PP AVC. Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG B. Ang[...]