M. Volteius M.f. AR Denarius, 78 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right. Rev. Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus; in exergue, M·VOLTEI·M·F. Cr. 385/1; B. (Volteia) 1. AR[...]
M. Volteius M.f. AR Denarius 78 BC. Obv. Head of Liber right, wearing ivy-wreath. Rev. Ceres in biga of snakes right, holding torch in each hand; behind, crescent; in exergue,[...]
P. Satrienus. AR Denarius, 77 BC. Obv. Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, control-numeral. Rev. She-wolf left, right forepaw raised; above, ROMA; in exergue, P·SATRIE/NVS. [...]
C. Cossutius C.f. Sabula. AR Denarius, 74 BC. Obv. Head of Medusa left; behind, [SA]BVLA. Rev. Bellerophon on Pegasus right, brandishing spear with right hand; behind, numeral[...]
Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus. AR Denarius serratus, 70 BC. Obv. Jugate heads of Honos and Virtus right; on left, HO; on right, VIRT (RT ligate); below, KALENI. Rev. Ita[...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 69 BC. Obv. Draped female bust right (Fortuna?); behind, control-symbol. Rev. M·PLAETORI·CEST·S·C. Half-lenght bust of Sors (or[...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 69 BC. Obv. Draped female bust right, hair in a net and decorated with poppy-heads; behind, control-symbol. Rev. Winged caduceus; o[...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 69 BC. Obv. Male head right, with flowing hair; behind, control-symbol. Rev. Winged caduceus; on right, M·PLAETORI; on left, CESTÂ[...]
P. Sulpicius Galba. AR Denarius, 69 BC. Obv. Veiled bust of Vesta right; behind, S·C. Rev. Knife, culullus and ornamented axe; on left, AED (AE ligate) ; on right, CVR; in ex[...]
C. Hosidius C. f. Geta. AR Denarius, 68 BC. Obv. GETA-III·VIR. Diademed and draped bust of Diana right , with bow and quiver over shoulder. Rev. Boar right, wounded by spear [...]
C. Hosidius C. f. Geta. AR Denarius, 68 BC. Obv. GETA-III·VIR. Diademed and draped bust of Diana right (smaller head), with bow and quiver over shoulder. Rev. Boar right, wou[...]
C. Piso Frugi. AR Denarius, Rome mint, 67 BC. Obv. Laureate head or of Apollo right; behind, Π. Rev. Horseman galloping right, holding palm; barred X above; C·PISO·L·F·FR[...]
C. Calpurnius L.f. Frugi. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Head of Apollo right, hair bound with fillet; behind, fractional - . Rev. Horseman galloping right,holding palm branch tied [...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Draped bust right with attributes of Isis, Minerva, Apollo, Diana and Victory; before, cornucopiae and S·C; behind, CESTIANVS. [...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Bust of Cybele right; behind, forepart of lion and CESTIANVS; before, globe. Bead-and-reel border. Rev. M·PLAETORIVS·[...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Bust of Cybele right; behind, forepart of lion and CESTIANVS ; before, globe. Bead-and-reel border. Rev. M·PLAETORIVSÂ[...]
Q. Pomponius Musa. AR Denarius, 66 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right; behind, two flutes crossed. Rev. Euterpe right, resting left elbow on column and holding two flutes;[...]
Q. Pomponius Musa. AR Denarius, 66 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right; behind, plectrum. Rev. Erato standing right, right arm lowered, holding lyre and plectrum; Q. POMPON[...]
Q. Pomponius Musa. AR Denarius, 66 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right; behind, star. Rev. Urania left, holding rod in right hand and pointing to globe resting on tripod; o[...]
L. Roscius Fabatus. AR Denarius serratus, Rome mint, 64 BC. Obv. Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat's skin; on the left, ???; below, [L·]RO[SCI]. Rev. Female figure sta[...]
L. Cassius Longinus. AR Denarius, 63 BC. Obv. Veiled and draped bust of Vesta left; behind, kylix; before, C. Rev. Male figure left, dropping tablet inscribed V (Vti rogas) in[...]
L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. AR Denarius, 62 BC. Obv. PAVLLVS·LEPIDVS-CONCORDIA. Diademed and veiled bust of Concordia right. Rev. Trophy; on right, togate figure (L. Aemiliu[...]
M. Aemilius Lepidus. AR Denarius, 61 BC. Obv. ALEXANDREA. Turreted head of Alexandria right. Rev. M LEPIDVS/TVTOR REG/SC/PONTIF MAX. M. Lepidus crowning the young Ptolemy V. [...]
Repubblica Romana. M. Aemilius Lepidus. AR Denarius, 61 BC. Obv. Laureate and veiled female bust right. Rev. Basilica Aemilia; above, AIMILIA; on left, REF; on right, S·C; b[...]
P. Plautius Hypsaeus. AR Denarius, 60 BC. Obv. Head of Neptune right; behind, trident; before, P·YPSAE·S·C. Rev. Jupiter in quadriga left, holding reins and hurling thunder[...]
P. Plautius Hypsaeus. AR Denarius, 60 BC. Obv. Draped bust of Leuconoe right; before, P. YPSAE. S.C.; behind, dolphin. Rev. Jupiter in quadriga left; in exergue, C. YPSAE. COS[...]
L. Marcius Philippus. AR Denarius, 56 BC. Obv. Diademed head of Ancus Marcius right; behind, lituus; below, ANCVS. Rev. PHILIPPVS. Equestrian statue right, on aqueduct; at hor[...]
C. Memmius. AR Denarius, 56 BC. Obv. Laureate and bearded head of Romulus Quirinus right; before, C·MEMMI·C·F; behind, QVIRINVS. Rev. MEMMIVS·AED·CERIALIA·PREIMVS·FECIT[...]
Q. Cassius Longinus. AR Denarius, 55 BC. Obv. Head of Genius Populi Romani right, with sceptre over shoulder. Rev. Eagle on thunderbolt right; on left, lituus; on right, jug; [...]
P. Fonteius Capito. AR Denarius, 55 BC. Obv. P·FONTEIVS·P·F·CAPITO·III·VIR·CONCORDIA. Diademed and veiled head of Concordia right. Rev. Villa Publica; on left, T·DIDI;[...]
M. Junius Brutus. AR Denarius, 54 BC. Obv. BRVTVS Head of L. Junius Brutus the Ancient right. Rev. AHALA. Head of C. Servilius Ahala right. Cr. 433/2; B. 30. AR. 3.78[...]
Mn. Acilius Glabrio. AR Denarius, 49 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Salus right; behind, SALVTIS upwards. Rev. Valetudo standing left, resting left arm on column and holding snake;[...]
Man. Acilius Glabrio. AR Denarius, 49 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Salus right; behind, SALVTIS upwards; before neck, oval shallow impression where - very probably -Este countermark (eag[...]
Julius Caesar. AR Denarius, mint moving with Caesar, 49-48 BC. Obv. Elephant advancing right, trampling on horned serpent; in exergue, CAESAR. Rev. Pontifical emblems: simpulu[...]
Julius Caesar. AR Denarius, mint moving with Caesar, 49-48 BC. Obv. Elephant advancing right, trampling on horned serpent; in exergue, CAESAR. Rev. Pontifical emblems: simpulu[...]