The Omayyad Caliphate. Post reform fals, figurative type with jerboa. Hims mint, in the name of Marwan ibn Bashir. Album 178.2; Walker (Arab-Byz. and Post Ref.) 804. AE. 1.87 g. [...]
The Abbasid Caliphate. Al Muqtadir (295-320 a.H./908-932 d.C.). Dirhem, Medinat al-Salam 319. D/ Citing his son Abu Al-'Abbas. Album 246.2. AG. BB+. [...]
Antioch. Bohemond III, Majority (1163-1201). BI Denier. D/ Helmeted head left, crescent left, star right, chain mail composed of crescents. R/ Cross pattèe, crescent pointin[...]
Jerusalem. Baldwin III (1143-1163). BI Denier, crude style 'rough' series. D/ Patent cross. R/ Tower of David with glacis. Malloy pp. 70/73; Schl. pl. III, 22 and 23; Met[...]
Frankish Greece. BI Denier to be classified. D/ Patent cross. R/ Castle. BI. 0.68 g. 18.50 mm. The alloy suggests this coin as a counterfait. VF. [...]
Ancona. Monetazione autonoma (sec.XII-1532). Lotto di due (2) quattrini di rara emissione. CNI - e cf. tipo 80; Villoresi 72 e cf. 64/65. MI. [...]
Ancona. Monetazione autonoma (sec.XII-1532). Picciolo. CNI 121/124 (anonime); Villoresi 86. MI. 0.20 g. 14.00 mm. RR. In aggiunta al lotto quattrino con cavaliere (qSPL[...]
Ancona. Monetazione anonima attribuita a Clemente VII (inizio XVI sec). Quattrino. CNI 111/130; M. 33; Berm. 758; Villoresi 141. MI. 0.53 g. 17.00 mm. Mancanza margi[...]