P. Furius Crassipes. AR Denarius, 84 BC. Obv. AED CVR. Turreted head of Cybele right; behind, foot downwards. Rev. Curule chair inscribed P. FOVRIVS; in exergue, CRASSIPES. [...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € 70
Offerta minima € 75
Q. Antonius Balbus. AR Denarius serratus, 83-82 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind, S·C. Rev. Victory in quadriga right; below, R; in exergue, Q·ANTO·BALB / PR[...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € 50
Offerta minima € 55
Q. Antonius Balbus. AR Denarius serratus, 83-82 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind, S·C. Rev. Victory in quadriga right; below, R; in exergue, Q·ANTO·BALB / PR[...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 50
C. Annius with L. Fabius L. f. Hispaniensis. AR Denarius, North Italy, 82-81 BC. Obv. C·ANNI·T·F·T·N·PRO·COS·EX·S·C. Diademed and draped bust of Anna Perenna right. Bead and [...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 110
Offerta minima € 120
C. Marius C.f. Capito. AR Denarius serratus, 81 BC. Obv. Draped bust of Ceres right; below chin, poppy (?); around, CAPIT and LI. Rev. Ploughman with a yoke of oxen left; abov[...]
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 180
Offerta minima € 190
L. Procilius. Fourreè Denarius, 80 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind, S·C. Rev. Juno Sospita standing right, holding shield and hurling spear; at her feet, sna[...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € 65
Offerta minima € 70
C. Naevius Balbus. AR Denarius serratus, 79 BC. Obv. Diademed head of Venus right; behind, S·C. Rev. Victory in triga right; above, CCV; in exergue, C·NAE·BALB (AE and AL l[...]
Base d'asta € 70
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 70
L. Papius. AR Denarius serratus, 79 BC. Obv. Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat's skin; behind, sistrum. Bead and reel border. Rev. Gryphon leaping right; below, fruit d[...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € 90
Offerta minima € 95
Cn. Lentulus. AR Denarius, 76-75 BC. Obv. Diademed and draped bust of the Genius of the Roman People right, sceptre on shoulder; above, G.P.R. Rev. EX-SC. Terrestrial globe be[...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € 70
Offerta minima € 75
C. Postumius. AR Denarius, 74 BC. Obv. Draped bust of Diana right, hair tied into knot, bow and quiver over shoulder. Rev. Hound running right; below, spear; in exergue, C·PO[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 130
Offerta minima € 140
Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus. AR Denarius, 70 BC. Obv. Jugate heads of Honos and Virtus right; in left field, HO and in right field, VIRT. Below, KALENI. Rev. Italia, h[...]
Base d'asta € 30
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 30
C. Piso L. f. Frugi. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Head of Apollo right with hair tied with band; behind, lituus with handle. Rev. Horseman right, holding palm branch; below horse,[...]
Base d'asta € 80
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 80
C. Piso L. f. Frugi. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Head of Apollo right with hair tied with band; behind, mallet. Rev. Horseman right, holding palm branch; below horse, C·PISO·LÂ[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 100
Q. Pomponius Musa. AR Denarius, 66 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right; behind, tortoise. Rev. Terpsichore right, holding lyre (sometimes kithara) and plectrum with right h[...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € 50
Offerta minima € 55
L. Manlius Torquatus. AR Denarius, 65 BC. Obv. Head of Sybil right, wearing ivy-wreath; below SIBYLLA (or SIBVLLA). Border of dots. Rev. Tripod, on which stands amphora betwee[...]
Base d'asta € 80
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 80
L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus. AR Denarius, 62 BC. Obv. PAVLLVS·LEPIDVS-CONCORDIA. Diademed and veiled bust of Concordia right. Rev. Trophy; on right, togate figure (L. Aemiliu[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 100
L. Scribonius Libo. AR Denarius, 62 BC. Obv. LIBO BON·EVENT. Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right. Rev. Puteal Scribonianum decorated with garland and two lyres; at base, ham[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 100
M. Aemilius Scaurus with Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. AR Denarius, 58 BC. Obv. Camel right; before, King Aretas kneeling right, holding reins in left hand and olive-branch tied with fillet [...]
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 150
Offerta minima € 160
M. Aemilius Scaurus with Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. AR Denarius, 58 BC. Obv. Camel right; before, King Aretas kneeling right, holding reins in left hand and olive-branch tied with fillet [...]
Base d'asta € 80
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 80
C. Servilius C.f. AR Denarius, 57 BC. Obv. Wreathed head of Flora right; behind, lituus; before, FLORAL·PRIMVS (MV ligate). Rev. Two soldiers facing each other and presenting[...]
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 320
Offerta minima € 340
L. Marcius Philippus. AR Denarius, 56 BC. Obv. Diademed head of Ancus Marcius right; behind, lituus; below, ANCVS. Rev. PHILIPPVS. Equestrian statue right, on aqueduct with 5 [...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € 50
Offerta minima € 55
Faustus Cornelius Sulla. AR Denarius, 56 BC. Obv. Laureate, diademed and draped bust of Venus right; behind, sceptre and S·C. Rev. Three trophies; on left, jug; on right, lit[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 100
Offerta minima € 110
P. Fonteius Capito. AR Denarius, 55 BC. Obv. P·FONTEIVS·P·F·CAPITO·III·VIR. Helmeted and draped bust of Mars right, with trophy over shoulder. Rev. [MN·FONT·]TR·MIL ([...]
Base d'asta € 30
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 30
P. Fonteius Capito. AR Denarius, 55 BC. Obv. P·FONTEIVS·P·F·CAPITO·III·VIR·CONCORDIA. Diademed and veiled head of Concordia right. Rev. Villa Publica; on left, T·DIDI;[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 120
Offerta minima € 130
Mn. Acilius Glabrio. AR Denarius, 49 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Salus right; behind, SALVTIS downwards. Rev. Valetudo standing left, resting left arm on column and holding snak[...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € 65
Offerta minima € 70
Caius Julius Caesar. AR Denarius, mint moving with Caesar, 49-48 BC. Obv. Fine style elephant advancing right, Λ shaped foreleges, trampling on horned snake; in exergue, CAESAR. [...]
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 310
Offerta minima € 330
C. Vibius C. f. Pansa Caetronianus. AR Denarius, 48 BC. Obv. Mask of bearded Pan right; below, PANSA. Rev. C. VIBIVS C.F. C.N. - IOVIS AXVR. Jupiter, laureate, seated left, ho[...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 60
C. Vibius C. f. C. n. Pansa Caetronianus. AR Denarius, 48 BC. Obv. Mask of bearded Pan right, hair decorated with three rows of berries; behind, pedum; below, PANSA. Rev. Jupi[...]
Base d'asta € 40
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 40
Albinus Bruti f. AR Denarius, 48 BC. Obv. Head of Pietas right; behind, PIETAS. Rev. Two hands clasped round caduceus; below, ALBINVS·BRVTI·F. Cr. 450/2; B. (Postumia) [...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 50
Albinus Bruti f. AR Denarius, 48 BC. Obv. A·POSTVMIVS·COS. Head of the consul A. Postumius right. Rev. Wreath of corn-ears, within which, ALBINV/ BRVTI·F. Cr. 450/3b; B[...]
Base d'asta € 80
Prezzo attuale € 80
Offerta minima € 85
Julius Caesar. AR Denarius, Africa, 47-46 BC. Obv. Head of Venus right, wearing diadem. Rev. Aeneas left, carrying palladium in right hand and Anchises on left shoulder; on ri[...]
Base d'asta € 300
Prezzo attuale € 340
Offerta minima € 360
T. Carisius. AR Denarius, 46 BC. Obv. Head of Roma right, wearing Attic helmet with plume on each side; behind, ROMA. Rev. Cornucopiae on globe; on left, sceptre; on right, ru[...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 60
T. Carisius. AR Denarius, 46 BC. Obv. Draped bust of Victory right; behind, S·C. Rev. Victory in quadriga right, holding reins and wreath; in exergue, T·CARISI. Cr. 464/[...]
Base d'asta € 60
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 60
Julius Caesar. AR Denarius, uncertain mint, 46 BC. Obv. Head of Ceres right; behind, COS·TERT; before, DICT·ITER. Rev. Culullus, aspergillum, jug and lituus; above, AVGVR; b[...]
Base d'asta € 80
Prezzo attuale € 260
Offerta minima € 280
Cn. Pompeius Magnus with M. Poblicius. AR Denarius, Spain, 46-45 BC. Obv. Head of Roma right, wearing Corinthian helmet; before, M·POBLICI·LEG·PRO; behind PR. Rev. Female f[...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 100
Offerta minima € 110
L. Valerius Acisculus. AR Denarius, Rome mint, 45 BC. Obv. Head of Apollo right, hair tied with band; above, star; on the left, acisculus and ACISCVLVS. Rev. Europa seated on [...]
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 50
Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius. AE As, c. 42-38 BC. Sicily. Obv. MAGN (MA ligate). Laureate head of Janus, with features of Pompey the Great. Rev. PIVS Prow right; below, IMP. [...]
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerta minima € 100