Unlisted Hostilian
Lotto 638:
Hostilian as Caesar (251 AD). AE Dupondius, Rome mint. Obv. IMP CAE C VAL HOS MES QVIN[TVS A]VG. Radiate and draped bust right. Rev. PROVIDENTIA AVG, S-C. Providentia standing left, holding globe and transverse sceptre. Cf. RIC IV 221b (As); C. -. AE. 10.93 g. 26.00 mm. RRR. Extremely rare. Apparently unlisted in the standard references, none in acsearch and coinarchives. Lovely deep green patina. Corrosion spots. Good VF.
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 600
Offerte: 13
Lotto non in vendita