Atratinus of Lakedaimon
Lotto 485:
L. Sempronius Atratinus. AE Tetrachalkon. Lakedaimon (Sparta) mint, c. 39 BC. Obv. ΑΤΡΑΤΙΝΟϹ. Bare head of Atratinus right. Rev. Λ-Α / ΦΙ-ΔΙ. Eagle standing right. RPC I 1101a; SNG Cop. 607; BMC 69. AE. 5.37 g. 19.00 mm. RR. A choice example, among the finest specimens known. About EF/Good VF. L. Sempronius Atratinus was a Roman politician who served as Mark Antony's legatus pro praetore for the province of Achaea in the early 30s BC, where Sparta struck this exceptional bronze coin bearing his portrait. Atratinus commanded part of Antony's naval detachment to Octavian's war against Sextus Pompey and became suffect consul in 34 BC, but he went over to Octavian sometime before the Battle of Actium. In 22 BC, Atratinus was proconsul of Africa, where he must have been quite successful as he was awarded a triumph after his return to Rome. He eventually commited suicide in 7 BC at the age of 80 years.
Base d'asta € 400
Prezzo attuale € 1804
Offerte: 10
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