Lotto 77:
Greek Italy. Southern Apulia, Tarentum. AR Nomos, 272-235 BC. Obv. Horseman right, spearing downwards; to left, ΔΙ; below, ΑΡΙ-ΣΤΟ/ΚΛ-ΗΣ:. Rev. ΤΑΡΑ[Σ]. Phalanthos riding on dolphin left, holding kantharos and trident; behind, female head. Vlasto 877-882; HN Italy 1033. AR. 6.56 g. 19.5 mm. Well centred and choice, sound metal. Minor green deposits. About EF.
Base d'asta € 200
Prezzo attuale € 200
Offerte: 1
Offerta minima: € 220