Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus. AR Denarius, 88 BC. Obv. Helmeted bust of Mars right, seen from behind. Rev. Victory in biga right; in exergue, CN·LENTVL. Cr. 345/1; B.[...]
Cn. Lentulus Clodianus. AR Denarius, 88 BC. Obv. Helmeted bust of Mars right, seen from behind. Rev. Victory in biga right; in exergue, CN. LENTVL. Cr. 345/1 B. (Cornelia)[...]
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus. AR Quinarius, 88 AD. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right. Rev. Victory standing right, crowning trophy; in exergue, CN·LENT (sometimes NT [...]
C. Marcius Censorinus. AR Denarius, 88 BC. Obv. Jugate heads of Numa Pompilius, bearded, and Ancus Marcius right. Rev. Desultor right, wearing conical cap and holding whip; be[...]
C. Censorinus. AE As, 88 BC. Obv. [NVMA] POMPILI-ANCVS MARCI. Jugate heads right of Numa Pompilius, bearded, and Ancus Marcius, beardless. Rev. [C. CENSO]. Two arches from whi[...]
L. Rubrius Dossenus. AR Denarius, 87 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right, sceptre over shoulder; below DOSSEN. Rev. Triumphal chariot right, decorated with thunderbolt; ab[...]
L. Rubrius Dossenus. AR Denarius, 87 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right, sceptre over shoulder; below DOSSEN. Rev. Triumphal chariot right, decorated with thunderbolt; ab[...]
Repubblica Romana. L. Rubrius Dossenus. AR Denarius, 87 BC. Obv. Helmeted bust of Minerva right, wearing aegis; behind, DOS. Rev. Triumphal chariot right, decorated with eagl[...]
L. and C. Memmius L. f. Galeria. AR Denarius, 87 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Saturn left; behind, harpa; below, EX·S·C; before, control-mark. Rev. Venus in biga right; above, [...]
Gargilius, Ogulnius and Vergilius. AR Denarius, 86 BC. Obv. Head of Apollo right, wearing oak-wreath; below, thunderbolt. Rev. Jupiter in quadriga right; above, control-mark; [...]
Gargilius, Ogulnius and Vergilius. AR Denarius, 86 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev. Jupiter driving quadriga right, holding reins and preparing to hurl thunderbolt[...]
Mn. Fonteius C.f. AR Denarius, 85 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right; below, thunderbolt; behind, MN·FONTEI·C·F (MN and NT ligate); before, AP (in monogram). Rev. Cupid[...]
L. Marcius Censorinus. AR Denarius, 82 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev. The satyr Marsyas standing left, with right arm raised and holding wine-skin over left shou[...]
L. Marcius Censorinus. AR Denarius, 82 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right. Rev. The satyr Marsyas standing left, with right arm raised and holding wine-skin over left shou[...]
Q. Antonius Balbus. AR Denarius serratus, 83-82 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind, S·C. Rev. Victory in quadriga right; below, control-mark; in exergue, Q·ANTO[...]
L. Manlius Torquatus. AR Denarius, mint moving with Sulla, 82 BC. Obv. L·MANLI PRO Q. Helmeted head of Roma right. Rev. Triumphator in quadriga right, crowned by flying Victo[...]
A. Postumius Albinus. AR Denarius serratus, 81 BC. Obv. HISPAN.Veiled head of Hispania right, with dishevelled hair. Rev. A·POST·A·F·S·N·ALBIN (AL ligate). Togate figure[...]
L. Procilius. AR Denarius, 80 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind, S·C. Rev. Juno Sospita standing right, holding shield and hurling spear; at her feet, snake; on[...]
L. Procilius. AR Denarius, 80 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Jupiter right; behind, S·C. Rev. Juno Sospita in prancing biga right, holding shield and hurling spear; below, snake; [...]
L. Procilius. AR Denarius serratus, 80 BC. Obv. Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat's skin; behind, S·C. Rev. Juno Sospita in prancing biga right, holding shield and hur[...]
C. Naevius Balbus. AR Denarius serratus, 79 BC. Obv. Diademed head of Venus right; behind, S·C; before, control-mark. Rev. Victory in triga right; in exergue, C·NAE·BALB ([...]
C. Naevius Balbus. AR Denarius serratus, 79 BC. Obv. Diademed head of Venus right; behind, SC. Rev. Victory in triga right; above, CLXV; in exergue, C. NAE. BALB. Cr. 382/[...]
M. Volteius M.f. AR Denarius, 78 BC. Obv. Head of Hercules right, wearing lion's skin. Rev. Erymanthian boar right; in exergue, M·VOLTEI·M·F. Cr. 385/2; B. (Volteia) 2[...]
L. Rutilius Flaccus. AR Denarius, 77 BC. Obv. Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, FLAC. Rev. Victory in biga right; in exergue, L·RVTILI. Cr. 387/1; B. (Rutilia) 1; AAA[...]
P. Satrienus. AR Denarius, 77 BC. Obv. Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, control-mark. Rev. She-wolf left, right forepaw raised; above, ROMA; in exergue, P·SATRIE/NVS. [...]
Mn. Aquillius. AR Denarius serratus, Rome mint, 71 BC. Obv. Helmeted bust of Virtus right; on the left, III·VIR; on the right, VIRTVS. Rev. Warrior, holding shield in left ha[...]
M. Plaetorius M. f. Cestianus. AR Denarius, 67 BC. Obv. Draped bust right with attributes of Isis, Minerva, Apollo, Diana and Victory; before, cornucopiae and S·C; behind, CESTIANVS. [...]
Q. Pomponius Musa. AR Denarius, 66 BC. Obv. Laureate head of Apollo right; behind, two flutes crossed. Rev. Euterpe right, resting left elbow on column and holding two flutes;[...]
L. Scribonius Libo. AR Denarius, 62 BC. Obv. LIBO BON·EVENT. Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right. Rev. Puteal Scribonianum decorated with garland and two lyres; at base, ham[...]
M. Nonius Sufenas. AR Denarius, 59 BC. Obv. Head of Saturn right; before, SVFENAS; behind, harpa, conical stone and S·C. Rev. Roma seated left on pile of armour, being crowne[...]
M. Aemilius Scaurus with Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. AR Denarius, 58 BC. Obv. Camel right; before, King Aretas kneeling right, holding reins in left hand and olive-branch tied with fillet [...]
M. Aemilius Scaurus with Pub. Plautius Hypsaeus. AR Denarius, 58 BC. Obv. Camel right; before, King Aretas kneeling right, holding reins in left hand and olive-branch tied with fillet [...]
C. Servilius C.f. AR Denarius, 57 BC. Obv. Wreathed head of Flora right; behind, lituus; before, FLORAL·PRIMVS (MV ligate). Rev. Two soldiers facing each other and presenting[...]
L. Marcius Philippus. AR Denarius, 56 BC. Obv. Diademed head of Ancus Marcius right; behind, lituus; below, ANCVS. Rev. PHILIPPVS. Equestrian statue right, on aqueduct; at hor[...]
Q. Cassius Longinus. AR Denarius, 55 BC. Obv. Head of Libertas right; behind, LIBERT; before, Q·CASSIVS. Rev. Temple of Vesta, within curule chair; on left, urn; on right, ta[...]
Cn. Plancius. AR Denarius, Rome mint, 55 BC. Obv. Female head right, wearing causia; on the left, AED·CVR·S·C; on the right, CN·PLANCIVS. Rev. Cretan goat right; on the le[...]
M. Junius Brutus. AR Denarius, 54 BC. Obv. BRVTVS Head of L. Junius Brutus the Ancient right. Rev. AHALA. Head of C. Servilius Ahala right. Cr. 433/2; B. 30. AR. 3.51[...]
Q. Pompeius Rufus. AR Denarius, 54 BC. Obv. Curule chair; on left, arrow; on right, laurel-branch; above, Q·POMPEI·Q·F / RVFVS; below, COS on tablet. Rev. Curule chair; on [...]